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Control Valve Overhaul

Project: Control Valve Overhaul

Description: Fairbarn’s 72" swing lathe allows control valves to be turned and re-faced without having to remove the actuator.

Examples of valve overhaul services

Fairbarn's works with major control valve distributors like Trans-West Supply to fit existing actuators a customer may have to a new valve body or an existing valve with a new actuator.

We build custom mounting brackets for adapting actuators to valves. If the drilling patters are different we relocate mount holes and machine mounting surfaces. This allows customers to re purpose existing components conserving precious maintenance dollars.

Overhauling Knife Gates on Valves

Hard Surfacing of Valve Knive GatesOften valve knife gates are worn from abrasion. Fairbarn's works with customers and valve suppliers to rebuild and hard surface gates and other wear points to increase life expectancy of these control valve components.

If you have a problem involving a control valve let Fairbarn's be your single point of contact for a control valve overhaul or re purposing project. Together with our industry valve partners we can bring deep technical expertise while saving you money and avoiding the potentially unnecessary expense of a new control valve.


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